4th Infantry Brigade - Arma 3 British Milsim
SOP Changelog - Printable Version

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SOP Changelog - 4th Infantry Brigade Admin - 22-06-2019

  • Updated 9-7 Rank requirements in ALIC

  • Updated All SOPs changing EAW > JAC, TMW > 3MED and No.34 > Air Land integration Cell (ALIC)
  • Updated 9-7 - Removed EAW WO and added JAC Flt Lt 2IC.
  • Updated 8-1 - Added link to Master CEFO.

  • Updated 9-7 - Added JTAC Course to EAW HQ members.

  • Updated 9-6 - Added Trooper to infantry Ranks.

  • Updated 11-9 (1/2) - Added 48 hour requirement to P2/P3 courses forum posts

  • Updated 9-6 - Added Basic Land Nav to LCpl as per JNCO.

  • Updated 9-7 - Added No.34 RAFR Sgt as iC of Sqdn. Updated RAFR Cpl to be 2IC of sqdn.

  • Updated 9-7 - Added UAV Badge requirement to RAFR AS1(T)

Large SOP revision to address wording changes.
  • Updated 1-1 - Updated wording.
  • Updated 1-1 - Added Fill in process.
  • Updated 1-3 - Rank correction of LAC to AS2.
  • Updated 2-1 - Added difference between transfers & admin transfers.
  • Updated 2-2 - Updated assignment process
  • Updated 2-3 - Updated ARC 1 & ELOA CoC.
  • Updated 2-7 - Added ELOA transfer process for sensitive reasons.
  • Updated 2-10 - Added Fabricated AWOL explanation discipline.
  • Updated 3-2 - Added definition of Modern Arma 3 & conversion mod.
  • Updated 4-4 - Removed Requirements for Training report. 
  • Updated 4-6 - Added 48hr cut off for Patrol Reports
  • Updated 4-8 - Added Courses can only be attended if prereqs held & course badges can be removed under AGAI.
  • Updated 4-9 - Added how to request fill in placement.
  • Updated 4-9 - Added Acting Ranks can be taken when stepping up.
  • Updated 5-3 - Updated who can attend as Zeus (including J2)
  • Updated 5-9 - COY can approve respawn.
  • Updated 6-4 - Added process of disciplining Fill-ins.
  • Updated 8-1 - Added how to req CEFO changes.
  • Updated 9-2 - Added reference to sponsorship.
  • Updated 9-3 - Added Acting Rank in server.
  • Updated 9-3 - Updated 3mo to 2x iterations of courses.
  • Updated 9-4 - Updated Course attendance requirements in line with handbooks.
  • Updated 9-6 - Added position of ranks.
  • Updated 9-6 - Added basic doc for out of server duties of each rank.
  • Updated 9-6 - Added PNCO and PCBC to course requirements.
  • Updated 9-6 - Differentiation between 2Lt, Lt, Capt & Maj.
  • Updated 9-7 - Added courses for No.34 and No.662 as well as condensed format for cse requirements.
  • Updated 10-1 - Updated wording for clarity on course retention.
  • Updated 10-3 - Updated wording for DD members wishing to return.

  • Added Section 6 to AGAI 67 Doc - Disciplinary process against Senior Leadership.

  • Updated SOP 10-2 - Retired members are able to join reserves directly on rejoining. 
  • Updated SOP 2-5 inline with 10-1 and 10-2.

  • Updated SOP 10-1 - Honourable Discharged members are able to join reserves directly on rejoining.

  • Updated SOP 2-5 - first violation of the ARC 1 attendance requirement will now result in an AGAI (Mi. 14)
  • Updated AGAI 67 - added Mi. 14 (Failure to meet ARC 1 attendance requirement for the calendar month per SOP 2-5.)

  • Updated SOP 9-7 - 662's Sgt and SSgt rank for clearer clarification on when a promotional board is needing depending on position

  • Updated SOP 9-7 to reflect new EAW progression path with removal of some ranks, additions of new ones and alters to some course requirements, summary is as follows:

  • Addition of section -> No. 903 Expeditionary Air Wing Headquarters (RAF)
  • Removal of ranks 'Leading Aircraftman (LAC)' and 'Senior Aircraftman (SAC)' for No 18 Sqn, TMW and No 34 Sqn
  • No 18 Sqn now split between 'Crew' and 'Pilots'
  • Addition of 'Air Specialist (Class 2) (AS2) -> for No 18. Crew, No 18. Pilots, TMW and No 34.
  • Addition of Air Specialist (Class 1) (AS1) -> for No 18. Crew, TMW and No 34
  • Addition of Air Specialist (Class 1) Technician (AS1(T)) -> for No 18 Crew, TMW and No 34.
  • Addition of Staff Sergeant and 2nd Lieutenant ranks for No 662 Sqn.
  • Varied/multiple course requirement changes to a lot of ranks. 
  • Added additional line in 'Extra Info' section at bottom of SOP regarding 'Joining Ranks'.

  • Updated AGAI 67 heatmap to include AAC and new RAF/RAFR ranks

  • Updated AGAI 67 document to include new Mi. 13 offence

  • Updated SOP section 3 to reflect updated stance on multi-ArmA 3 Unit membership.

  • Updated SOP 2-13 to be in line with current practice for granting attendance waivers.
  • Updated SOP 9-7 with new rank requirements.

  • Updated SOP 9-11 Sub.1-2. To include detail for what calendar posts should contain.
  • Updated SOP 4-8. To link in with SOP 9-11 Sub.1-2.

  • Updated SOPs 4-1 and 4-3. Deadlines for patrol and training reports extended from 24 to 48 hours.

  • Updated SOP 9-7 to include No. 662 Sqn AAC
  • Changed level at which EAW personnel are required to complete DIT course, as well as requirement to run courses to bring in line with infantry
  • Created SOP 4-9

  • Updated section 2 to properly reflect current practices and procedures and correct unclear wordings

  • Updated 9-5 and 9-7 to correct and clarify when promotion boards are needed

  • Updated 9-7 to bring in line with 9-6
  • Removed 9-8
  • Updated 9-5 to include promotion boards for LCpl and above (inf), and Cpl and above (RAF)
  • Updated section 2 overview to include 2-13
  • Added 5-11 'Unofficial Missions'
  • Updated 2-12 to be in line with current Holding Section procedures
  • Updated 2-2 to remove mention of DTT
  • Updated 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 to remove mention of AC and DTT
  • Updated 2-6 to remove mentions of AAC and to bring in line with current practices
  • Updated 2-10 to address discrepancy with AGAI 67 document
  • Updated 2-13 to remove mention of AC
  • Updated and reworked 5-4 to bring up to date with current practices
  • Updated 8-1 to be in line with current practices
  • Updated AGAI 67 document to ensure correct people are BCCd.
  • Updated AGAI heatmap to reflect new EAW structure

  • Added 10-4 Allowing returning retired and honourable discharged members to sit a test instead of re-attending phase 1
  • Updated wording in 10-1 and 10-2 particularly for returning over 11 months.
  • Added 2-13 Putting the attendance requirement in writing

  • Updated 9-7 to encompass new training pathways and thus requirements for rank under new 9-8 'EAW Trade Training'
  • Added 9-8 'EAW Trade Training'

  • Updated J7 SOPs to lax server restrictions on courses during P1 & Promo courses
  • Courses can now be run officially on Tuesdays and Mondays
  • 7-2 AGAI 67 rewritten as per Unit HQ & NCO All hands meeting
  • Changes available here
  • 9-7: Wording changes made to now state "Rank may be gained" once in a position.
  • 9-7: Sgt AAC Added 3 month time requirement to NCAITC, same as RAF Sgt.
  • 9-7: Updated EAW Ranking Structure to reflect addition of Air Trooper and SSgt (AAC) - Closed loopholes in Rank Requirements and supplemented existing ranks with updated course requirements.
  • 9-7 - Updated formating to mirror 9-6 in terms of stating prior rank requirements.
  • 9-7 - Added new EAW courses as a requirement for Sgt AC, Plt Off, Fg Off, and 2Lt.
  • 9-7 - Added Signals Cse for AAC Sgt.
  • Removal of most mentions of ‘4th Infantry Brigade’ now amended to 4IB. (Excluding Definition in Content Creation Declaration)
  • Section 5. Added Discord to the section to outline expected conduct on that platform also.
  • Amendment of mentions of CoyHQ to Battlegroup HQ and relating CoCs
  • Amendment of mentions of JHC/Air Command to EAW and relating CoCs
  • Amendment of Home Rotation to PDT.
  • Overall reword of CoC descriptors to reflect Current Command/Unit Structure
  • Section 2-12 Holding Section rewritten to reflect changes and current relevance.
  • Added Section 3-3: Exceptions – Outlining members are able to attend ‘Public Events’ hosted by other ArmA 3 Units as long as they don’t interfere with prior 4IB commitments.
  • Added Zeus Team Exception to Section 5-8: Soundboards.
  • Reworded Section 6-3. From ‘In the unit’s best interest’ to ‘Dependant on the severity/sensitivity of the situation’
  • Reworded Section 6-4 to reflect current and future CoC.
  • Reworded 9-2: Recommendations to be inclusive of the entire unit, not just infantry.
  • Added Clause to 2-7 (ELOA) to determine length of ELOA to avoid permanent ELOAs
  • Added Full List of Infantry Ranks to 9-6.
  • Added Subsections to Section 11 to separate J-Office Content Lists
  • Added J9 SOPs

Updated SOP 9-7: To reflect new EAW progression path and outlining a definitive set of requirements for the ranking structure. (Also, not named JHC Ranks still).

Edited 11-2 SOP Content creation changed "efficient" to "Sufficient" as it did not make sense.
Added SOP 5-10: Outward Facing Content - Added this general SOP to cover all outward facing content attended by members of 4IB and implicates that all internal SOPs and Reprimand Procedures apply when representing the 4IB in the wider ARMA community.
Updated SOP 11-11: Added link to J8 Public Structure and SOPs.

Updated SOP 7-2 - AGAI 67: Removed 30 day Transfer/J-Office/Promotion Ban from Minor Offenses, to reflect that this is not being enforced and was initially a mistake from forming the new AGAI 67 Document.

Updated SOP 2-9: Change reflects new guidelines and process for and when 'Retiring' members, also outlining the priveleges of said Retired member once processed.
Fixed Typo in SOP 2-10.

Added SOP 10-3 regarding Dishonourably Discharged Personnel.
Updated SOP 2-10 to reflect that there isn't a holding section for personnel who persistently AWOL. Personnel who persistently AWOL can be discharged at the relevant Platoon Commanders discretion.

Updated section 11 (J-Offices) to formalise the unwritten expectations regarding content created for 4thib which were enforced by previous Coy HQs

Updated Section 9 to reflect the rank of Cpl having to run a SAA Course once a month. (Updated RAF Cpl and AAC Sgt. to reflect the same).

Updated J7 SOPs: Wording changes, clarifications and guidelines.

9-6 Changed minimum requirements for Cpl, Sgt, 2Lt, Lt & Capt.
9-7 Changed minimum requirements for Cpl.
1-3 Changed Recruit Policy.
4-3 Changed wording.
7-1 Changed wording.
Updated 9-7 - Now clarifies Air Command ranking structure and clearly defines requirements to attain said ranks
Changed 8-1 to read Mi 9 instead of its previous Mi 10.
2-11 - Removed the wording (Not 4thib Material) from clause of Company Discharge
General spelling amendments
1-1 - Updated wording, process for current new recruits and age waiver for 16 years olds has been added.
1-2 - updated wording from specific rank of Recruit to SuT
1-3 Updated recruitment P1 process to reflect current practice
1-3 Added the recruit alignment process (i.e introducing a SuT. to the section prior to completing P1)
2-4 Clarified transfers to clearly include moves to ELOA and reserves
2-4 Amended process to allow transfers under 60 days with approval of HQ elements and J office as in line with original 2-3 wording
2-4 Removed extra wording around sign off levels
2-4 Added section to the ORBAT ‘empty’ section to make clear that only OC can authorise overmanning of sections
2-5 Removed reference to ARC 2 as no longer used
2-5 Updated the 50% attendance requirement to be set by Coy due to detachment specific requirements
2-5 Updated SOP to reflect discharge for reservists who aren’t making attendance
2-5 Wording updated for 60 day requirement to transfer to reserves
2-6 Updated wording to include Air Command.
2-6 Updated internal JHC transfer process to reflect lack of JHC commander
2-7 Updated to clarify wording
2-8 Minimum service in infantry removed
2-8 30 day period updated to 60 day in line with other SOPs
2-8 Clarified that role requirements for UOR sections is removed
2-9 Updated Dishonourable discharge to clarify that members lose all quals, ribbons and battle honours
2-10 AWOL 1st offence process updated to reflect AGAI 67 guidance from document
2-10 2nd AWOL offence updated to reflect holding section
2-11 Updated wording to be clearer 
2-12 Removed the time restrictions for Holding section to reflect current use of holding section
4-5 Updated wording from “Wednesdays and Saturdays” to current op pattern.
4-8 Updated wording to reflect current J7 process on missing courses members have signed up for.
5-3 Removed reference to zeus course and requirement to zeus, replaced with the ability for use for training by members.
5-4 Removed redundant wording
8-1 Updated formatting for Section 8, revised standards to current expectations from OC.
9-2 Updated “support” to “BSA”
9-3 Updated wording to correct
9-4 Added in attendance requirements for promotional courses and other J7 Training Wing reqs., updated wording to P3 courses.
9-6 UOR promotion clause added 
9-6 Updated LCpl rank requirements to reflect current courses and promotion board requirement,
9-6 Updated Cpl rank requirements to remove advanced driving and signals courses (no longer a course), added DIT course (as Cpls will teach J7 courses) and promotion board requirement
9-6 Updated Sgt rank requirements to remove DIT (as proposed, it will be needed for Cpl) and FIBUA instructors course (this is not a course held in 4IB). Updated wording and added promotion board requirement
9-7 Removed JHC ORBAT link to Google sheets as out of date (and website ORBAT overrules)
9-7 Promotion boards language changed to non-commital to allow for fast placement of LCpl & Cpl
9-7 PSBC course length reworded from 6 months to 1-3 months
9-7 Lt & Capt requirements amended to more achievable standards
9-7 Changed “Airtrooper” to Pte.
9-7 Updated SAC/RAFR LCpl. Rank requirements
9-7 Updated Cpl. requirements to confirm that SCBC and JMLC has to be completed for Cpl. rank.
9-7 Updated Acting Pilot Officer requirements
9-7 Updated Fg. Off./Lt. Requirements to reflect ACHQ
9-7 Added list of current Air Command training documents to list

2020-06-01 4.5 and 4.6 changed to match current running of the unit.

*  2020-04-21 If a member returns over 11 months, they are required to resit all courses again including Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 and promotion courses.
*  Resitting courses that were issued over 12 months ago may be required at the discretion of Company HQ.

*     2020-04-17  9-7 Private replaced with Air Trooper.

*     2020-04-13  9-7 Joint Helicopter Command Ranks updated.

*    2020-04-08 1-2 Minimum age increased to 17.

*    2020-03-08 9-2 and 9-5 Promotion and Recommendation updated.

*    2020-02-29 2-9 Battle honours and ribbons added. Retirement requirements updated.

*    2019-12-03  Holding Section added in 2-12.

*    2019-10-17  Updated Para 2.4, 2.5 & 2.7 to reflex the correct wording and procedure within 4IB.

*    2019-10-03  AWOL updated to reflect current CSM wishes.

*    2019-09-12    J7 SOP added

*    2019-09-03    5-9 Respawn Policy

*    2019-07-31    Updated SOP 2.5 and wording.

*    2019-06-20    Spelling and format updated on Section 3.

*    2019-05-22    Maj 16 - Leaks added.

*    2019-05-18    2-10 updated to correct wording within AGAI 67.

*    2019-05-09    Mi 11/12 added. Updated template.

*    2019-05-03    "Reports to be posted 24 hours for all. SOP only listed for overall. Not clear.
Mi 10. Failure to complete administrative duties within a timely manner added."

*    2019-04-25    Updated AGAI 67 about Late, now classed as AWOL due to attempted loopholing. SOP 4 changed to include Wednesday as Mandatory.

*    2019-04-25    2-9 Updated to include Mi 5.

*    2019-04-21    "Deleted JHC SOP
Pushed all SOP updates as approved by Company HQ
AGAI 67 Document updated."

*    2018-06-10    ALL JHC SOPs added to the website

*    2018-06-09    "- JHC SOPS are being added to the forums. So Far the following have been added:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3

*    2018-05-26    "Update to SOP Para 2.9 to give a true reflection of Discharge procedure, and make it fairer.
Added SOP 2.11 as follows: Members who are discharged, who have not taken part in at least 1 full Operation will not be given the status of Honourable Discharge, instead they will be placed into Registered Member group, and their P File will reflex that they were discharged for AWOL, Etc."

*    2018-02-07    "Updated Multiple SOP's
Added 4IB AGAI 67 & 4IB Manual of Service Law"

*    2018-01-27    Updated the JSP 398 - Rules of Engagement - CARD ALPHA

*    2017-12-03  1-3: Addition It is now mandatory for recruits to write on P1A/P1B thread if they can attend or not. If not done for 3 times, they will be marked as inactive and discharged from the unit for this reason.
JHC: Changes been added as part of 1-3, SOP for JHC recruits
after completing the P1 the new privates are required  2 months minimum service within the infantry before able to transfer to another detachment (exception is JHC). Also added extra info for these procedures and some additional info.
2-3B: Reserves has been reformed and clarified, overhauled. more info about required attendance please refer to the SOP itself
2-3C: E-LOA status reformed and clarified. More info please refer to the SOP itself
2-3D: Discharge, reformed and re-explained. The discharge did not see a lot of changes. The status of Retirement has been changed. Retirement is earned on time and merits within the unit and will be reviewed by G5, the same will happen when a person comes back.
3-1: Reworded the entirety of 3-1
4-1: removed a “-”
4-2: clarified the section trainings a bit more. (Section training reports implemented)
4-3: minor addition and changes in wording, regarding no mandatory training (advertising for non-mandatory training can be done beforehand on the forums, and a training report will have to be made)
4-4: Reports for training clarified and reworded some things.
4-8: Home rotation has now content and an explanation of what it is in the SOP’s and contains what is expected of you as a member.
4-9: LOA terms and procedures changed, the maximum time a person can now post an LOA for is 21 days. Anything longer will now constitute as an E-LOA. Unless the person posts a transfer to reserves, but automatically after/more than 21 days it will be E-LOA.
4-10: Phase 2 in the SOP was previously empty, this has now been solved and content was added to it.
5: Section 5.6 was added to the server and TS policy
5.6: 5.6 was created and added. It’s in regards to sections channels and what rules there are.
“Section Channels are open for anyone to join. Yet the IC and 2IC keep the rights to request someone to leave their specific section channel section. The person should then without discussion remove himself from the channel until cleared back in by the IC or 2IC.”
6.2: The Last section about the chain of command and the procedure has been clarified so people know what to do if they need to pass something up.
6.3: Small changes with the wording
6.4: Changes made, clarified what a member can do in case the chain of command might forget/not work in a certain case. If after 7 days you did not get a response you have the right to go up the chain of command by 1 rank and explain your issue/complain then. Of course, a friendly reminder that people can honestly forget something so just make you IC/2IC pr whoever it is aware. Mistakes can happen. Of course, if they don’t listen or help then you can proceed with this.
7.1/2/3: The reprimand procedure has been overhauled and changes were made.
7.1 reformatted for ease of reading, example document added with grades of offences.
7.2 added in reprimands as well as changing the punishment and durations of them
7.3 same changed reprimands and time durations.
8. Kits are still under review and will be changed, we opted for adding forbidden gear but kits should be handed out in the Sections and all NCO’s have access to the document that was published the last meeting. (This might be completely removed altogether)
8.6: created 8.6. Prohibited gear (subject to change)
9. Promotions have been overhauled for the majority, recommend reading through it on the SOP itself. Changes are made on how it works. Recommendations will be handled differently and JNCO itself and the selection procedure will be from a pool of recommended individuals that were accepted, more to follow.
Also, every promotion from Sgt. and above will be reviewed and investigated by G5 if a person is fit.
Recommendations and Promotions for LCP/CPL will now be done with the IC and PLT HQ.
Ranks were overhauled as well
For the details please refer to the SOP’s themself.
9.2: Overhauled
9.3: Overhauled
9.4: Overhauled
9.5: Overhauled
9.6: Overhauled"

*    2017-10-06    "Updated, 8.2, specified Virtus in correspondence with thread in NCO's Mess.
Updated, 8.2, specified Virtus in correspondence with G5 Meeting."

*    2017-06-22    Updated, 8.2, specified Virtus Medical Daysack in correspondence with G5 Meeting.

*    2017-06-11    "Updated, 8.2, specified Virtus in correspondence with thread in NCO's Mess.
Updated, 8.2, specified Virtus in correspondence with G5 Meeting."

*    2017-05-22    Updated, Section 8.2, added Virtus.

*    2017-05-19    "Updated, information for applying to the unit.
Added, Rules for Teamspeak, 5.4."

*    2017-04-25    Updated 2-3d to Urgent Operational Requirements (UOR). Created 2-3e, Discharge Request.

*    2017-04-15    KITE Night Vision Sight, one per section to be handed out by the Section IC. Helmet camera (IC and 2iC only)

*    2017-04-15    "8.3 - Prohibited equipment
Updated, MicroDAGR GPS."

*    2017-03-13    Overhauled entirety of Section 8, Equipment and Prohibited Equipment, removed a lot of useless information. General formatting, making sure fonts are all the same size, and adding spacers where needed. Edited Section 9.2, Recommendations, with better wording. Edited Section 9.6, Corporal, acting up. (Thank you, Lenders)Edited Section 9.6, Corporal and Sergeant, substantial promotion.

*    2017-02-05    "2.3f Discharge Request
Added information on the 3 days "cool down" period.
Added information requesting an immediate discharge."

RE: SOP Changelog - Reg #20151433 - 31-07-2019


RE: SOP Changelog - Reg #20151433 - 03-09-2019


RE: SOP Changelog - Reg #20151433 - 03-10-2019


RE: SOP Changelog - M. Singer - 17-10-2019


RE: SOP Changelog - Reg #20151433 - 03-12-2019


RE: SOP Changelog - Reg #20151433 - 29-02-2020


RE: SOP Changelog - Reg #20151433 - 08-03-2020


RE: SOP Changelog - Reg #20151433 - 08-04-2020


RE: SOP Changelog - P. Elkin - 12-04-2020
