11-1. Overview
11-2. Content Creation
11-3. J1 – Personnel and Manpower
11-4. J2 – Military Intelligence
11-5. J3 - Operations
11-6. J4 - Logistics
11-7. J5 – Strategic Planning
11-8. J6 – Communications
11-9. J7 - Training
11-10. J8 – Regimental Provost
11-11. J9 - CIMIC
11-1. Overview
At 4IB, we use a J-Office structure to help us create content, manage administration and provide general support to activities within the unit that do not fall under the traditional responsibility of the Chain of Command (CoC) or fit into the scope of our scheduled operations.
These SOPs apply to all members who are in a J-Office within 4IB, or who are completing a task for a J-Office. There may be additional internal SOPs for each J-Office to further enhance the way they deliver content to the unit.
11-2. Content Creation
In this SOP, the definition of content is defined as “Any ArmA3 modifications and their component parts, any documents, images, graphics, artwork, media, websites, videos, missions and their component parts, and ArmA3 compositions”
4thib (4IB) will retain the rights to use, host edit, recreate, retain, or copy content created for the 4th Infantry Brigade ArmA Milsim (4thib/4IB) either;
- Voluntarily given to 4thib (4IB) while not assigned to a J-Office within 4thib (4IB)
- Voluntarily given to the 4thib (4IB) while assigned to a J-Office within 4thib (4IB)
- Created under instruction while not assigned to a J-Office within 4thib (4IB)
- Created under instruction while assigned to a J-Office within 4thib (4IB)
- Sell or trade your work that you have voluntarily surrendered the right for 4thib (4IB) to use, host, edit, retain, recreate or copy without express written permission.
- Publish your work without efficient accreditation of authorship.
- Claim these rights for content created with no relation to the 4thib (4IB) or that has no bearing on how we operate as a community
11-3. J1 – Personnel and Manpower
11-4. J2 – Military Intelligence
11-5. J3 – Operations
11-6. J4 – Logistics
11-7. J5 – Strategic Planning
11-8. J6 – Communications
11-9. J7 – Training
11-9 Sub.1-1. Overview
11-9 Sub.1-2. Forum Thread
11-9 Sub.1-3. Discipline
11-9 Sub.1-4. Skill at Arms (SAA)
11-9 Sub.1-5. Courses and Documentation
11-9 Sub.1-6. Server Restrictions
11-9 Sub.1-1. Overview
Joining J7 and becoming an instructor is a hugely important part of progression for all members within the unit. With J7 focusing on promotional courses and SME (Subject Matter Expert) courses, joining the J7 Team is a requirement for leadership within the unit to support junior members. Most of our instructors teach one course to start. This is normally a subject they are particularly interested in. Some of the units more senior and experienced Instructors are capable of teaching multiple courses including promotional courses (required for certain rank). All instructors within J7 are held to a high standard because of the importance of their job, as such the following SOP will help ensure those standards are maintained.
11-9 Sub.1-2. Forum Thread
All instructors are responsible for their own threads and must keep them updated. All courses must be posted on the unit calendar as soon as the course thread is made, when creating this event the title should indicate the title of the course you are running, the correct date must be selected, event details must include; the start time of your course, a link to your course post and any server restriction you may require (such as changing the in-game time or weather). Any members assisting you teach the course must also be mentioned within the thread. Anyone assisting you does not need to do the DIT course or be a member of J7 but must already have the badge for that course.
All Phase 2 and 3 courses are required to be posted on the forums a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the course starting or with the approval of the J7 Head.
All J7 instructors must follow the same template when posting a course. The only exceptions to this are promotional courses.
Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1chEj...3A/preview
11-9 Sub.1-3. Discipline
Any student that failed to attend will be disciplined following Section 7-2, AGAI 67, Mi. 11 this will be sent by the course instructor. The Platoon, Troop or Squadron HQ, head of J7, that members IC or next in their Chain of Command (CoC) and the J1 Disciplinary Admin must all be copied in.
Should a student be of a higher rank than the instructor, the warning can still be sent as the instructor has the authority up to the rank of the head of J7. If that member is of higher rank than the head of J7 then contact a member of Battlegroup HQ before sending the warning.
Any instructor that feels a student is disrupting the course has the right to kick that member off the course after giving fair warning. The instructor has the authority up to the rank of the head of J7 to remove a student above his own rank. The instructor will then issue discipline as per Section 7-2, AGAI 67, Mi. 4 to anyone kicked from the course.
Any instructor wishing to leave J7 must inform the Head of J7 with at least 48-Hours notice.
Any instructor that fails to run their course at least once per month will be disciplined as per Section 7-2, AGAI 67, Mi. 12 for failing to carry out J-Office duties and may be subject to removal from J7.
Instructors teaching on promotional courses who will not be able to attend must advise the Head of J7 and the course SNCO 4 hours prior to the course night starting. If this is not upheld the J7 Head can submit disciplinary action as per Section 7-2, AGAI 67, Mi. 12.
11-9 Sub.1-4. Skill at Arms (SAA)
Skill at Arms (SAA) instructors must have a minimum rank of Corporal (Cpl.) Air Command Cpl’s and above must also qualify in SAA to be able to teach SAA courses. All Infantry Sergeants (Sgt.) within the unit must be trained as a Skill at Arms instructor. Any Cpl. or Sgt. with Skill at Arms must be available to run the ACMT at short notice. Any inactive member or those in ARC-1/E-LOA will have their skill at arms badge removed.
11-9 Sub.1-5. Courses and Documentation
All J7 Courses with the exception of promotional courses must be run at least once per month. The course instructor may teach more than this if they wish.
All courses and course documents are subject to inspection and review at any time without warning by the head of J7.
All course documents must have a change log. Any changes must be cleared by the Head of J7 before they are made and updated in the change log.
11-9 Sub.1-6. Server Restrictions
As courses are at the core of our unit certain restrictions are put in place to preserve teaching environments on server 2 during both promotional courses and Phase 1.
- Instructors wishing to run courses on a Tuesday must not hinder or interrupt Phase 1 in any way shape or form. This includes but is not limited to;
- Excessive AORs for training areas
- Assigning Classroom 1 as your meeting point
- Use of the change weather/time function
- AORs within visual or hearing distance of the P1 areas
- Use of radio frequencies that will interfere with P1
- Excessive use of Zeus placed units/objects
- Interfering with Zeus placed units/objects created or in use by the P1 team.
- Excessive AORs for training areas
- Instructors wishing to run courses on a night where a promotional course is running must not hinder or interrupt the promotional course in any way shape or form. This includes but is not limited to;
- Excessive AORs for training areas
- Assigning Classroom 1 as your meeting point
- Training areas within 2KM of the promotional course
- Use of the change weather/time function
- AORs within visual or hearing distance of the promotional areas
- Use of radio frequencies that will interfere with the promotional course
- Excessive use of Zeus placed units/objects
- Interfering with Zeus placed units/objects created or in use by the promotion team.
- Excessive AORs for training areas
It is generally advised that courses run on the same date as the above are set up as far away as possible and attendees are respectful and conscious of the Phase 1 team or the promotional team. If you are unsure of what may or may not interrupt or interfere with one of the above courses, please contact J7 directly.
[*]11-10. J8 – Regimental Provost
[*]11-11. J9 – CIMIC
11-11 Sub.1-1. Overview
11-11 Sub.1-2. Adhering to Internal Content Creation Policy
11-11 Sub.1-3. Adhering to External Platform Policies
[*]11-11 Sub.1-1. Overview
J9 is responsible for any outfacing content produced by 4IB. This is including but not limited to content posted on platforms such as: Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, Reddit etc.
As such, J9 must adhere to both internal and external SOPs/Policies set out by 4IB and third-party platforms.
[*]11-11 Sub.1-2. Adhering to Internal Content Creation Policy
J9 is a creative outlet, and as such any content created as tasked by or for J9 falls under the policy outlined in Section 11-2: Content Creation.
[*]11-11 Sub.1-3. Adhering to External Platform Policies
As an outward facing J-Office, J9 must abide by any and all policies/community guidelines implemented by the platforms we utilise as outlets. Specifics of these policies/community guidelines can be found on the respective platforms webpages.