Order of Battle

Battlegroup HQ

Alma Company, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Yorkshire Regiment

Alma Company HQ

1 Platoon

1 Section

2 Section

3 Section

3 (Fire Support) Platoon

2 Section

Burma Company, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Yorkshire Regiment

Burma Company HQ

4 Platoon

1 Section

2 Section

3 Section

6 (Fire Support) Platoon

1 Section

Corunna Company, 1st Battalion, The Royal Yorkshire Regiment

Corunna Company HQ

7 Platoon

1 Section

2 Section

3 Section

1 Troop

1 Section

9 (Fire Support) Platoon

1 Section

Joint Aviation Command

Army Air Corps

No. 662 Squadron

Royal Air Force

No. 18 Squadron

Alpha Flight

Bravo Flight

Charlie Flight

Royal Air Force Regiment

Air Land Integration Cell

Battlegroup Atts. & Dets.

3 Medical Regiment

12 Military Intelligence

In Memoriam

Reserve Forces



Staff Offices

J1 - Personnel

J2 - Military Intelligence

J3 - Operations

J4 - Logistics

J5 - Strategic Planning

J6 - Communications

J7 - Training

J8 - Regimental Provost