Standard Operating Procedures

Section 10: Retired and Discharge

10-1. Honourably Discharged Personnel
10-2. Retired Personnel
10-3. Dishonourably Discharged Personnel

10-1. Honourable Discharged Personnel

Honourably Discharged members as outlined in Section 2-9 can rejoin 4IB at any time, however, the following rules apply:
If a member returns under 3-Months of their last discharge, they will not be required to complete Phase 1 or any courses they may have obtained prior. All Command, Leadership and Management courses, Phase 2 and Phase 3 courses will be returned. However, they will be advised to attend a refresher course. They will not keep their previous rank and instead enter a position dependent on Operational Requirement at the discretion of BGHQ.

If a member returns over 3-Months but less than 6-Months of their last discharge, they will be required to complete Phase 1 (unless they pass the test as per 10-4) and are encouraged to attend a refresher course for all Phase 2 & 3 courses they may have held excluding Command, Leadership and Management courses. They will not keep any rank gained prior to discharge but can be assessed to re-enter at a lower level if they hold the correct qualifications under the discretion of BGHQ.

If a member returns over 6-Months of their last discharge the member will be required to complete Phase 1 (unless they pass the test as per 10-4), and all Phase 3 courses again. They will not be required to complete Phase 2 and Command, Leadership and Management courses. They will not keep any rank gained prior to their discharge.

If a member returns over 11-Months, they will be required to complete all courses again including Phase 1 (unless they pass the test as per 10-4), Phase 2 and Phase 3. Promotional Courses will be reviewed by BGHQ upon reapplication.

Returning Honourably Discharged members are permitted to rejoin directly into ARC-1 Reserves, circumventing the SOP 2-5 60 day transfer rule. It's important to note all other SOPs relevant to Phase 1 & Reserves still apply.

10-2. Retired Personnel

Retired members as outlined in Section 2-9 can rejoin 4IB at any time, however, the following rules apply:
If a member returns under 3-Months of their last discharge, they will not be required to complete Phase 1 or any courses they may have obtained prior. However, they will be advised to attend a refresher course. They will not keep their previous rank and instead enter a position dependent on Operational Requirement at the discretion of BGHQ.

If a member returns over 3-Months but less than 6-Months of their last discharge, they will be required to complete Phase 1 (unless they pass the test as per 10-4) and attend a refresher course for all Phase 3 courses they may have held excluding Command, Leadership and Management courses. They will not keep any rank gained prior to discharge but can be assessed to re-enter at a lower level if they hold the correct qualifications under the discretion of Battlegroup HQ.

If a member returns over 6-Months of their last discharge the member will be required to complete Phase 1 (unless they pass the test as per 10-4), and all Phase 3 courses again excluding Command, Leadership and Management courses. They will not keep any rank gained prior to their discharge.

If a member returns over 11-Months, they will be required to complete all courses again including Phase 1 (unless they pass the test as per 10-4), Phase 2, Phase 3. Promotional Courses will be reviewed by BGHQ upon reapplication.

Returning Retired members are permitted to rejoin directly into ARC-1 Reserves, circumventing the SOP 2-5 60 day transfer rule. It's important to note all other SOPs relevant to Phase 1 & Reserves still apply.

10-3. Dishonourably Discharged Personnel

Dishonourably Discharged members have the right to request for their Dishonourable Discharge to be overturned at any point via forum DM to BGHQ. The request will be reviewed by Battlegroup HQ and an outcome will be disclosed to the member who requested the overturn of said Dishonourable Discharge. Additionally, the member may be invited to attend an interview to provide further information surrounding their discharge. The outcome of the request will only be disclosed to the member who made the request.

If a Dishonourable Discharge is overturned, the member’s status will return to ‘Registered’ herein, they will be allowed to reapply to the unit.

If a member whose Dishonourable Discharge was overturned returns to the unit, the member in question will be placed on a 3-month probationary period. The member’s Chain of Command (CoC) retains the right to extend this period if necessary. If at any point the member in question does not adhere to the standard of the unit, its SOPs and any conditions set out on re-entry to the unit during this period they may be Dishonorably Discharged from the unit with immediate effect. Upon the successful completion of the probationary period, the member may request any deployment ribbon/s they may have previously gained prior to their Dishonourable Discharge.

10-4. Phase 1 instructor discretion for returning members

Honourably discharged and retired personnel returning to the unit after the periods of time outlined above can apply to the lead Phase 1 instructor in J7 to be reviewed for a written Phase 1 exam. The Lead instructor will review the applicant’s previous experience when considering the application. If approved, the applicant will sit an exam and be assessed by a Phase 1 instructor or J7 representative. This will be conducted in TeamSpeak with the instructor in attendance and within a set time period. If the pass mark for the exam is reached the member will not be required to resit Phase 1 Training.