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Home Rotation

Week 2 Sat Night  -  Sections at Platoon level  -  week 2   Saturday

  1. Platoon formations - Sections understanding their role within that formation
  2. Platoon movement - Vehicles, air frames and on foot (Inc dismounts, stepping off and assembly)
  3. Placement of HLS and RAP and their use - Explained at section level
  4. Use of support assets (FSG, JHC etc)
  5. Logistics - How sections will resupply either on or off the front line
  6. Harbour areas - Setting up and stepping off
  7. Use of SALTA and SITREPs

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The 4th Infantry Brigade is the biggest British unit to Arma 3. Our infantry represent 2nd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment. A Light Role infantry which is one of the British Armys adaptable battalions. We are equipped with Foxhound Protected Patrol Vehicles allowing us to travel quickly across any terrain, closing with and engaging the enemy.