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the Videos thread(for non unit videos and such) (189 replies)
Throwback Thursday Thread (171 replies)
Flynn's Image / Video Den (84 replies)
Rate What The Person Above You Is Listening To (75 replies)
"Perry" Pereira's Screenshot Album (73 replies)
The Music Thread (V2) (459,785 views)
Burnes video thread (278,498 views)
the Videos thread(for non unit videos and such) (262,142 views)
Throwback Thursday Thread (244,078 views)
Tuggins Video Emporium (153,665 views)
Flynn's Image / Video Den (128,534 views)
"Perry" Pereira's Screenshot Album (115,123 views)
Shooting Shots (Screenshots) (106,065 views)
Rate What The Person Above You Is Listening To (105,622 views)
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The 4th Infantry Brigade is the biggest British unit to Arma 3. Our infantry represent 2nd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment. A Light Role infantry which is one of the British Armys adaptable battalions. We are equipped with Foxhound Protected Patrol Vehicles allowing us to travel quickly across any terrain, closing with and engaging the enemy.