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Operation Number Cap

Information  (This post was last modified: 28-12-2021, 11:51 PM by J. Nielsen.)

To: All Ranks
From: BG HQ 
Date: 27/12/2021

Going forward there will be a cap on numbers on the server during operations (77 people) the reasons being for everyone's enjoyment hopefully, limiting to 77 on at once I believe will give everyone a few more frames, place down more AI units to "brass up" and still maintain the number of mods we use.

Saturday / Sunday Operations - 73 people
Alma/Burma Company, 2 YORKS:

- Coy HQ: 2
- 1/4 Platoon: 26
- 2/5 Platoon: 26

- Air Comd: 1
- No. 18/27 Sqn: 8
- No. 34 Sqn: 1
- No. II Sqn: 1
- TMW: 3

- Zeus: 5

Wednesday Operations - 75 people
Corunna Company, 2 YORKS:

- Coy HQ: 2
- Platoon: 35
- Platoon: 20

- Air Comd: 1
- No. 18/27 Sqn: 8
- No. 34 Sqn: 1
- No. II Sqn: 1
- TMW: 3

- Zeus: 4

Numbers are subject to change.
Commendation for Valuable Service Medal
Queen's Volunteer Medal
Accumulated Campaign Service Medal
Operation SCIMITAR
Operation TROJAN
Operation PANTHER
Operation SARACEN
Operation CROMWELL 2
Unit Support Medal

(This post was last modified: 28-12-2021, 11:52 PM by J. Nielsen.)


21/10/2020 - First Edition
04/11/2020 - Changes to 230 Sqn and Recce Pl numbers.
12/12/2020 - Number limit changed to 76. Edited Alma Coy, Burma Coy, 3 Med Regt and Quebec Coy numbers.
14/12/2020 - 3 Med Regt numbers changed.
06/02/2021 - No. 18 sqn numbers changed. No. 34 sqn numbers changed.
11/05/2021 - Updated with new numbers for current unit structure.
06/09/2021 - Changed Air comd from 2 to 1. Changed Zeus OpFor from 5 to 3.
27/10/2021 - Changed No. 34 from 2 to 1. Changed Zeus OpFor from 3 to 5.

27/12/2021 - Removed 661. Added 8 Platoon for Wed
Commendation for Valuable Service Medal
Queen's Volunteer Medal
Accumulated Campaign Service Medal
Operation SCIMITAR
Operation TROJAN
Operation PANTHER
Operation SARACEN
Operation CROMWELL 2
Unit Support Medal

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The 4th Infantry Brigade is the biggest British unit to Arma 3. Our infantry represent 2nd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment. A Light Role infantry which is one of the British Armys adaptable battalions. We are equipped with Foxhound Protected Patrol Vehicles allowing us to travel quickly across any terrain, closing with and engaging the enemy.