The next Phase 2 Gunners course will be held on Sunday, August 27th at 1900 GMT and will last 60 to 90 minutes.
The course will give section machine gunners tools to more effectively support their section and give ICs tools to control and direct the firepower of subordinate machine guns. Students who successfully pass the course will earn their Phase 2 Gunners Badge. The course is not a prerequisite to join Fire Support.
Participants are to be signed up by their IC (reservists the exception and can sign their self up). NCOs and above are encouraged to attend. There are 10 participant spots available. Course spots will be prioritized in the order they are submitted, with PMs sent 24+ hours before the course to those who have been signed up. Failure to respond by 2 hours before course start time will result in your spot being offered to the next names on the list if more then 10 sign up, including additional participants from same sections.
Sign Up Here