Section 04: Training and Operations |
Section 4: Training and Operations
4-1. Overview 4-2. Scheduled Section/Detachment Training 4-3. Non-Mandatory Training 4-4. Training Reports 4-5. Official Operations 4-6. Patrol Reports 4-7. Pre-Deployment Training 4-8. Phase 2 & Phase 3 Training 4-9. Fill-ins 4-1. Overview 4IB and its members are dedicated to making 4IB the most professional, yet fun ArmA 3 MilSim environment. To that end, we run regular training that members are able to and/or are expected to attend. Section 4 outlines to all members their requirements regarding Training and Operations within 4IB. All training/patrol reports must be posted within 48 hours of an event, failure to do so will result in disciplinary action as outlined in Section 7-2, AGAI 67, Mi. 10. 4-2. Scheduled Section/Detachment Training All scheduled section/detachment trainings/patrols are required to produce a training/patrol report. If this training/patrol was conducted at a Platoon level, the subsequent report would be produced by Platoon HQ. Likewise, if this training/patrol was conducted at section level the subsequent report would be produced by the relevant Section Commander (IC) or Section 2IC if the former is not available. Training sessions also require a relevant training plan, this training plan is to be disclosed to the relevant Chain of Command (CoC) via implemented ‘NCO-Mess’ (Section Level) and ‘HQ-Mess’ (Platoon Level) - Company level training will be cleared by Battlegroup HQ before going ahead. 4-3. Non-Mandatory Training Any Detachment may conduct non-mandatory training at any time. This training falls outside of the scheduled weekly Training or Operation Nights during Pre-Deployment Training (PDT). It can consist of any number of members of a Detachment gathering in TeamSpeak and/or Server so long as it can be shown that the activity contributes to the training and development of those involved. A public server such as DayZ, Antistasi or KOTH for example does not count as Training. 4-4. Training Reports Unless otherwise stated or requested by your chain of command, it's now optional to post a Training Report. A template can be found within the Training Reports forum thread by making a new post. All training reports must be signed off by the relevant Chain of Command (CoC) and anything that is lacking from or does not meet the standards of a written report should be flagged and rectified. 4-5. Official Operations Official Operations conducted by 4IB are mandatory events for all members. Anyone who is unable to attend these mandatory events must submit a LOA prior to the event as outlined in Section 2-10. At present, all Official Operations conducted by 4IB will be held on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays commencing at 1900 GMT. It is expected that all members will be on TeamSpeak in their appropriate channels between 15-30 minutes prior to the commencement of Official Operations unless previously requested by relevant CoC. Any member who connects to the Operations Server after 1930 GMT will be marked as “Late” on their attendance record. The minimum time required to be marked as “Present” is more than 90 Minutes from 1930 GMT (2100 GMT). 4-6. Patrol Reports Similar to training, all Patrol Operations conducted are official and must generate a Patrol Report. This will be the responsibility of commanders at all levels including Section, Platoon and Company. Due to the fact that these patrols are carried out on our live Operations Mission, it is very important that any intelligence gathered is relayed via CoC and included within the Report. Patrol Reports must be posted in the designated forums for the Current Operation and completed within 48 hours of the patrol concluding, failure to do so will result in an AGAI 67, Mi. 10. A template can be found within the Patrol Reports forum by making a new post or within the NCO mess on forums. All patrol reports require to be signed off by the relevant CoC, it is the responsibility of the CoC to bring forward anything that is lacking from or does not meet the standards of a written report. 4-7. Pre-Deployment Training Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) and Mission Specific Training (MST) periods are conducted after the end of a deployment and span multiple weeks. These weeks are inclusive of preparation for the coming deployment and consist of members being drilled on relevant topics that will likely be required for future deployments. This period also acts to refine those skills that may be lacking. Within the PDT/MST Window, the Operation evenings are replaced with Battlegroup/Company/Platoon/Section (Squadron applies for EAW) led training sessions. These training sessions are mandatory for every member within 4IB. As such, anyone unable to attend these mandatory sessions must post a prior LOA as outlined in Section 2-10. 4-8. Phase 2 & Phase 3 Training 4IB provides multiple opportunities for members to learn new skills, some of which apply in-game and others can be applicable to real-life applications also. Phase 2 Training focuses on Section related skills such as the ‘Basic Medical’ or ‘Basic Searchers’ courses, these courses allow the member to experience new and exciting roles within their respective element and could potentially spark interest into joining specialist areas of the unit. Phase 3 Training focuses on specialist skills related to a specific role, for example, ‘Advanced Medical’ course allowing the member to fill the role as a Medic/RAF Doctor. These trainings allow the member to perform these specialist roles to the high standard expected from all members in 4IB. Members can only attend courses if they meet the prerequisites as per the Course Glossary. Battlegroup/Company/Platoon HQ (EAW HQ) reserve the right to revoke any Phase 2 or 3 qualification from any member under their Chain of Command (CoC) if they deem that the member is not sufficiently trained in the subject matter or shows a lack of knowledge to effectively carry out the role requiring those specific qualifications. Course badges can also be removed as part of SOP 7, AGAI 67 as a form of punishment designed to impact the individual. All courses have limited spaces and are sometimes reserved for those who require the course for their current role (And/or are required to attend by their CoC). Signing up to a course does not necessarily guarantee you a space on that course. All courses must be posted as per requirements outlined in SOP 11-9 Sub.1-2. If any member cannot attend a course that they have signed up for and been confirmed for, they must post on the same forum post; a removal request from the course in a similar manner to an LOA which is outlined in Section 2-10, this removal request must be posted at least an hour before the scheduled course to allow the instructor to arrange a replacement. Failure to notify an instructor in a suitable time will result in the member receiving a disciplinary action as outlined in Section 7-2, AGAI 67, Mi. 11. 4-9. Fill-ins Fill-ins are decided on a first come, first served basis on each op night. “First come, first served” is taken from the sign-up list from the fill-in bot in Discord. The fill-in bot posts in the relevant fill-ins channel on Discord on op nights at 1730, with the number of fill-ins required having been posted earlier in the channel by the relevant element’s company sergeant major (CSM) or equivalent. When you have reacted to the fill-in bot, you will be required to connect to the relevant CSM’s office at no later than 1845 for platoon placement. The relevant CSM or platoon sergeant will then assign you to a section. Any preferences of placement should be made aware to the sergeant or CSM, this does not guarantee placement as this will depend on operational requirements. The in-game rank of a fill-in should correspond to their role on the night. E.g. a corporal filling in as a private should change their in-game rank to Pte, if the member does not hold the qualifications when stepping up they're to take an acting rank to allow for a clear chain of command. If a member at NCO level or higher fills in as a private they lose all command privilege for the night, unless specifically instructed by their Section IC to pick up command responsibility, or in case of MASCAS or other critical situations. A fill-in is expected to conduct themselves well, as they would in their own element. Any member filling in and found to be breaking this SOP or others may receive a correctional notice in the form of SOP 7-2. Element leaders reserve the right to exclude members who have conducted themselves poorly from filling in with their element for up to 90 days. If the misconduct is deemed to be severe enough, BGHQ can ban a member from filling in permanently. |
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