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Section 09: Promotion System

(This post was last modified: 16-07-2024, 01:46 PM by Maj. D. Cansell. Edited 1 time in total.)

Section 9: Promotion System

9-1. Introduction

9-2. Recommendations

9-3. Acting Ranks

9-4. Completion of Command, Leadership and Management Courses, Tuition and Administration

9-5. Promotion Boards

9-6. Infantry Ranks

9-7. Expeditionary Air Wing Ranks

9-1. Introduction

The promotion system within 4IB is one of the more difficult ladders to climb, with multiple prerequisites required to obtain each rank, outlined below. With each respective rank, additional responsibilities and requirements are bestowed upon and required from the member.

Additionally, members will be promoted and transferred depending on Operational Requirements, outlined in Section 2-8.

9-2. Recommendations

Relevant Detachment Commanders must make recommendations for members within their detachment to attend any relevant Promotional Courses, including but not limited to: PNCO, JNCO and SCBC. These courses require a ‘sponsor’ in which the relevant CoC who holds the course can sponsor members on the basis they’re competent and capable of attending the course. Members can reach out to their CoC to request sponsorship.

Detachment commanders who sponsor SCBC candidates will be expected to sit the candidate through the course sign-up checklist to ensure the member has sufficient knowledge to attend the course. Commanders who fail to accurately assess and prepare candidates will be subject to AGAI 67 - Mi.10.

9-3. Acting Ranks

An acting rank is given to members who have passed the relevant promotion board and have shown the correct attitude, knowledge and enthusiasm but have yet to complete the relevant promotional courses required to hold the substantive rank. A member that holds the Acting (A/) prefix is required to complete any outstanding relevant courses within a reasonable time frame (Usually 2 instances of the relevant course) of their promotion, otherwise the member will be demoted back to the previous rank or a suitable one dependant on Operational Requirements, as per Section 2-8.

This section may be overruled by Battlegroup HQ if there is an Urgent Operation Requirement as per Section 2-8.

9-4. Completion of Command, Leadership and Management Courses, Tuition and Administration

Leadership positions and ranks within 4IB require a standardised understanding of how to best utilise those under your command including relevant attachments/detachments. As a result members will be required to complete specific promotional courses to inform them of how best to achieve the aim of their role once appointed to the position. These courses are administered by J7-Training.

Members who are attending any J7 Promotional Courses are required to have an attendance that falls inline with joining instructions per course. Instructing staff are expected to make 60% attendance unless otherwise communicated by the course lead. Candidates are to make LOA’s known to course instructors at the earliest convenience, this can be achieved via the duty NCO. Attendance waivers that are in breach with course specific limits are not permitted and the full course must be completed another time.

Below are the relevant attendance requirements for each respective course:
  • Potential Non-Commissions Officers’ Cadres (PNCO): 2/2 weeks, No LOA’s permitted.
  • Junior Non-Commissioned Officers’ Cadres (JNCO): 3/4 teaching Weeks, required to attend Final Exercise.
  • Section Commanders’ Battle Course (SCBC): 2/3 training Weeks, required to attend 1/2 Final Exercise.

Attendance will be tracked by the Course SNCO and the Admin Instructor to allow for correct backlogging of attendance for future courses.

9-5. Promotion Boards

These are designed to identify and assess the performance, attributes, and suitability of potential candidates put forward for promotion to selected roles within the unit.

A promotion board should be run for all positions above and including LCpl (Inf/RAFR) or Sgt (RAF), unless there are extenuating circumstances that waive the requirements for a promotion board as granted by Battlegroup HQ.

For promotion to the rank of Sergeant (Infantry) or above, or positions in EAW HQ, the recommendations shall be reviewed by a representative(s) from Company HQ and, if applicable, Battlegroup HQ.

Members selected for promotion will be required to complete the relevant promotional courses for their prospective rank, if they have not already.

Any open positions will be announced via the forums and discord for at least 48 hours, and members can apply if they meet the basic requirements listed (unless the role is under the effects of section 2-8). HQs reserve the right to deny written applications to continue in the process. Successful applicants will then be invited to an interview in case of multiple applicants or otherwise desired at HQ discretion.

9-6. Infantry Ranks

The minimum requirements to obtain each rank are shown below. For a comprehensive list of duties expected of each of these roles, please see here.

Infantry Enlisted Ranks

Soldier Under Training (SuT.)
  • A member is inducted into the infantry as an SuT after passing their interview. This rank holds no requirements.
Private (Pte.)
  • Given to all infantry riflemen.
  • Phase 1 Pass
Trooper (Tpr.)
  • Given to all members of RDG.
  • Phase 1 Pass
  • Pass CVT Driver & CVT Gunner within 3 months.
Lance Corporal (LCpl.)
  • In the role of Section 2nd In Commands (2IC).
  • L7A2 SAA Cse, L2A1 ASM SAA Cse, K170A1 NLAW SAA Cse, Driving Cse, Searcher Cse, Signals Cse, Land Navigation cse & PNCO cse.
  • Must have attended the above courses prior to the completion of JNCO Cadre.
  • JNCO Cadre is to be completed within 2 iterations of the course from promotion to Acting Rank.
  • Encouraged to join a J-Office. (Space permitting)
  • Must pass a promotion board.
Corporal (Cpl.)
  • In the role of Section Commanders (IC).
  • DIT & SAA Cse
  • All LCpl Cse requirements.
  • SCBC is to be completed within 2 iterations of the course from promotion to Acting Rank.
  • Encouraged to join a J-Office. (Space permitting)
  • Must pass a promotion board.
Sergeant (Sgt.)
  • In the role of Platoon Sergeant.
  • All Cpl Cse requirements.
  • PSBC is to commence within 3-Months of promotion to Acting Rank, and an additional monitoring period of up to a month.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting)
  • Must pass a promotion board.
Colour Sergeant (CSgt.)
  • This rank is an Admin Rank within 4IB.
  • Selected by Battlegroup HQ.
Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2.)
  • In the role of Company Sergeant Major.
  • On track to achieve all Sgt. Cse requirements.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting)
  • Member must pass a promotion board consisting of Battlegroup HQ.
Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1.)
  • In the role of Regimental Sergeant Major.
  • On track to achieve all Sgt. Cse requirements.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting)
  • Member must pass a promotion board consisting of Battlegroup HQ.

Infantry Officer Ranks

Second Lieutenant (2Lt.)
  • In the role of a Platoon Commander or Junior Officer but not achieved requirements of Lieutenant (Lt.). This is an acting rank.
  • On track to achieve all Cpl Cse requirements to apply for Junior Officer.
  • PCBC is to commence within 3-Months of promotion to Acting Rank, and an additional monitoring period of up to a month.
  • Member must pass a promotion board.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting)
Lieutenant (Lt.)
  • In the role of a Platoon Commander, Company Commander or BGHQ.
  • Member has passed PCBC.
  • All Cpl cse requirements.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting)
Captain (Capt.)
  • In the role of a Company Commander or BGHQ.
  • All Lt cse requirements.
  • This rank will be awarded when the member has attained experience relevant to their role and is recommended by BGHQ.
  • Head of at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting).
Major (Maj.)
  • In the role of 2IC of the unit
  • Head of at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting).
Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col.)
  • This rank will be awarded to the current Commanding Officer by a committee of current Battlegroup HQ dependent on Operational Requirement.
Extra Information:
  • Under UOR Battlegroup HQ can waive requirements to Section 9-6 to allow for a clear Chain of Command as per Section 2-8.
  • As per Section 2-7 members will retain their substantial rank when moving to ELOA/Reserves circumventing role placement requirements.

9-7. Expeditionary Air Wing Ranks

Frontline Squadrons within No 903. EAW will each contain their own Rank structure. Members of these squadrons will have to meet certain requirements to be eligible for promotion to the next rank. The criteria are listed below:

No. 903 Expeditionary Air Wing Headquarters (RAF)

Warrant Officer (WO)
  • Appointed as Air Wing WO by EAW OC.
  • Appointment must be approved by BGHQ.
  • Must pass a promotion board.
  • Must be in at least 1 J-Office (Space Permitting)
  • Must hold JTAC Course within 3 months
Squadron Leader (Sqn Ldr)
  • Appointed as Air Wing Commander by BGHQ
  • Must pass a promotion board.
  • Must be in at least 1 J-Office (Space Permitting)
  • Must hold JTAC Course within 3 months

No. 18 Squadron Crew (RAF)

Air Specialist (Class 2) (AS2)
  • Must hold a Phase 1 pass.
Air Specialist (Class 1) (AS1)
  • DTT cse, Signals cse, and advanced Medical cse.
Air Specialist (Class 1) Technician (AS1(T))
  • All AS1 (RAF) course requirements
  • Land Navigation cse and Cargo Handling cse.
Corporal (Cpl.)
  • All AS1(T) (RAF) course requirements.
  • Must be recommended for promotion via CoC
  • SERE B cse, Air Navigation cse and Doctors cse.
Sergeant (Sgt.)
  • This rank is held by the Flight 2IC.
  • All Cpl (RAF) course requirements
  • DIT cse.
  • Encouraged to join a J-Office (Space permitting).
  • Must pass a promotion board.
Flight Sergeant (FS)
  • This rank is held by the Squadron 2IC.
  • All Sgt (RAF) course requirements.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting).
  • Must pass a promotion board.

No. 18 Squadron Pilots (RAF)

Air Specialist (Class 2) (AS2)
  • Must hold a phase 1 pass
  • Must be selected for, and pass, Elementary Flight School.
Officer Cadet (Off Cdt.)
  • Must attain Plt Off course requirements within 3 months (where possible).
  • DTT cse, Land Navigation cse, Air Navigation cse and Signals cse.
Pilot Officer (Plt Off.)
  • All Off Cdt (RAF) course requirements.
  • Basic Medical cse, SERE B cse, RAF Wings and Initial Chinook Conversion cse.
Flying Officer (Fg Off.)
  • This rank is held by a Flight IC.
  • All Plt Off (RAF) course requirements.
  • All Fg Off course requirements within one month of promotion.
  • Advanced Chinook Conversion Course cse and DIT cse.
  • Encouraged to join a J-Office (Space permitting).
  • Must pass a promotion board.
  • Must run a monthly training course to further the abilities of those in their Flight.
Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt.)
  • This rank is held by the Squadron OC.
  • All Fg Off (RAF) course requirements.
  • Must pass promotion board.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting).

Tactical Medical Wing

Air Specialist (Class 2) (AS2)
  • Must hold a Phase 1 Pass.
  • Must attain AS1 course requirements within 1 month (where possible).
Air Specialist (Class 1) (AS1)
  • Advanced Medical cse and Signals cse
Air Specialist (Class 1) Technician (AS1(T))
  • All AS1 (TMW) course requirements.
  • SERE A cse and Land Navigation cse.
Corporal (Cpl.)
  • All AS1(T) (TMW) course requirements.
  • Be recommended for promotion by COC.
  • Doctors cse and driving cse.
Sergeant (Sgt.)
  • This rank is held by the TMW 2IC/3IC.
  • All Cpl (TMW) course requirements.
  • DIT cse.
  • Encouraged to join a J-Office (Space permitting).
  • Must pass a promotion board.
Flight Sergeant (FS)
  • This rank is held by the TMW IC.
  • All Sgt (TMW) course requirements.
  • Be in at least 1 J-Office (Space permitting).
  • Must pass a promotion board.
  • Must run monthly training courses to further the abilities of those in their Flight.

No. 34 Squadron (RAFR)

Air Specialist (Class 2) (AS2)
  • Must hold a Phase 1 Pass.
  • Must be selected via JTAC selection session.
  • Must attain AS1 course requirements within 3 months (where possible).
Air Specialist (Class 1) (AS1)
  • Basic Medical cse, Land Navigation cse, Air Navigation cse and Signals cse.
Air Specialist (Class 1) Technician (AS1(T))
  • All AS1(T) (RAFR) course requirements.
  • JTAC cse, ECAS cse, UAV cse and UGL cse.
Lance Corporal (LCpl.)
  • All AS1(T) (RAFR) course requirements
  • SERE A cse, Advanced Med cse, Pointman cse and ammo tech cse.
  • Be recommended for promotion by CoC.
Corporal (Cpl.)
  • This rank is held by the Squadron 2IC.
  • All LCpl (RAFR) course requirements.
  • SAA cse and DIT cse.
  • Must pass a promotion board.
Sergeant (Sgt.)
  • This rank is held by the Squadron IC.
  • All Cpl (RAFR) course requirements.
  • Must pass a promotion board.
  • Must run a monthly training course to further the abilities of those in their Squadron.

No. 662 Squadron (AAC)

Airtrooper (Air Tpr)
  • Must hold a Phase 1 Pass
  • Must be selected for Elementary Flight School.
  • Must attain Corporal course requirements within 3 months (where applicable).
Corporal (Cpl)
  • Must be recommended for promotion by COC
  • Signals cse, Land Navigation cse, Air Navigation cse, Basic Medical cse, AAC Wings cse and Initial Apache Conversion cse.
Sergeant (Sgt)
  • Flight IC/CPG Rank
  • Probationary rank for Squadron 2IC
  • Meet all requirements for Corporal AAC
  • Must pass a promotion board if entering Squadron 2IC position
  • DIT cse, Ammo Technician cse, SERE B cse and Advanced Apache Conversion cse
Staff Sergeant (SSgt)
  • This rank is held by the Squadron 2IC
  • Has successfully passed a 3-month probationary period
  • Encouraged to join a J-Office (space permitting)
2nd Lieutenant (2Lt)
  • Probationary rank for Squadron IC
  • Must pass a promotion board
  • Meets all requirements for Sergeant AAC
  • Six months in service
  • Three months in Squadron
  • Encouraged to join a J-Office (Space Permitting)
  • Must run training courses to further the abilities of those in their squadron.
Lieutenant (Lt)
  • This rank is held by the Squadron IC.
  • Has successfully passed the 3-month probationary period.
  • Meets all the requirements for 2nd Lieutenant AAC

Extra Info
Under UOR, EAW HQ can request rank requirements to be waived. This must be approved by BGHQ to allow for a clear Chain of Command as per Section 2-8. If a rank requirement is waived, the individual will have 90 days from the date of promotion to acquire all outstanding rank requirements previously waived.

EAW Joining Ranks may be attained without Cse requirements to ensure integration of new members

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The 4th Infantry Brigade is the biggest British unit to Arma 3. Our infantry represent 2nd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment. A Light Role infantry which is one of the British Armys adaptable battalions. We are equipped with Foxhound Protected Patrol Vehicles allowing us to travel quickly across any terrain, closing with and engaging the enemy.